Hi Kevin,

I successfully installed a complete OpenCA on OpenBSD 3.5. You only need the following additional steps:

1. Install openldap-client to compile the ocspd.
2. Add /usr/local/lib to shlib_dirs in rc.conf.local to make the LDAP libraries available for ldd.
3. groupadd openca
4. useradd openca
5. mkdir -p /home/openca/OpenCA/Test
6. chown -R openca:openca

The above steps are for an installation with the attached configuration for the online components. I commited all changes to CVS. Tomorrow I test it on my Linux box. This should solve the problems under Solaris and FreeBSD too.

Best regards


Michael Bell                    Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30-2093 2482       ZE Computer- und Medienservice
Fax:  +49 (0)30-2093 2704       Unter den Linden 6
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   D-10099 Berlin
# host and port are senseless for IBM DB2 UDB 7.1

./configure \
  --with-engine=no \
  --with-httpd-user=www \
  --with-httpd-group=www \
  --with-openca-user=openca \
  --with-openca-group=openca \
  --with-httpd-fs-prefix=/home/openca/OpenCA/Test/$TEST_DIR \
  --with-web-host=xyz.hu-berlin.de \
  --with-ca-organization="Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin" \
  --with-ca-country=DE \
  --with-ca-locality=Berlin \
  --with-ldap-port=389 \
  --with-ldap-root="cn=Manager,o=Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin,c=DE" \
  --with-ldap-root-pwd="openca" \
  --with-module-prefix=/home/openca/OpenCA/Test/$TEST_DIR/modules \
  --with-openssl-prefix=/usr/local/ssl \
  --with-openldap-prefix=/usr/local \
  --enable-ocspd \
  --disable-db \
  --enable-dbi \
  --enable-rbac \
  --enable-scep \
  --prefix=/home/openca/OpenCA/Test/$TEST_DIR \
  --with-service-mail-account="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" \
  --with-node-prefix=ra_node \
  --disable-external-modules \
  --with-hierarchy-level=ra \

#  --enable-scep \
#  --enable-ocspd \
#  --with-hierarchy-level=ra \
#  --enable-scep \
#  --with-language=it_IT \
#  --with-language=fr_FR \
#  --with-language=de_DE \

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