Hi Juan,

You can find a brief overview on the batch here:

And some docs here

If you need a way to create requests from a third pary datasource you
should use the "real" batch system. This will create certificates from
a plain text file with some data.....

1. How could I do this?

The Operation is really simple * create the text-files with the certificate data * call the "batch" interface -> Workflows * import the textfile * call the workflow engine * enroll your data (no default implementation - must do this yourself !) * enjoy :)

2. What kind of format do the plain text files must have?
Its in the Guide above

3. What kind of modifications do I have to perform to the batch processor
to be able to issue certificates without RA approval? and if the aproval
is needed how can I do to sign all requests in only one step?

The Batchrequest go directly into the Batch/CA System - there is no RA step on this data.

Further Modification depend on your use-case, there is a standardworkflow shipped with the distribution, that takes DN, Mail and Name from the Importfile, I can provide a modified version that also reads the PIN from the importfile.
If you need more/other stuff, you must edit the workflows, how this works is in the guide too

4. Could you please tell me all the steps for the generation of the
approval and sing of the requests? to see if we can develop something out
of OpenCA to do this.

see above

You need the cert/public key - this is accessile outside the HSM, have
you created a CA certificate ?

Yes I did.

No more ideas on this...please check: * is the ca-cert correctly in the CA-database ? * is the ca-certificate-file in var/crypto/cacert * is the ca-cert file included in the dataexchange-file * is the var/crypto/cacerts directory on the RA side writable ?

Diese Nachricht wurde digital unterschrieben
oliwel's public key: http://www.oliwel.de/oliwel.crt
Basiszertifikat: http://www.ldv.ei.tum.de/page72

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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