
the problem here is: is the subca key affected ? If so, just revoke the
subca cert in the root ca. This should be sufficient. When the path
validation is performed, the CRL from the root CA *should* be checked,
therefore all the certificates issued by that subCA should be considered
invalid as the CA certificate is revoked.

You can issue a new certificate with the same DN - the difference between
the new and the old certificate will be the serial number. Indeed, from
a standard point of view, what must be unique in a PKI is the serialnumber +
DN values.

Just one warning: be careful to use the patched/updated version of OpenSSL
when you create the new subCA key material.

One Suggestion: I found useful to install OpenSSL from scratch in some
directory (eg., /usr/local/openssl ) and use the --with-openssl-prefix
configure option when installing OpenCA: different distributions disable
some features of OpenSSL based on their needs -- this may lead to security
problems and/or unwanted side effects. My suggestion, in general, is to
not rely on the distributed openssl package because most of the times is
outdated and not fully enabled in functionalities.


Maciej Szuba wrote:
Hello Dominique!!
Ok thx for answer. But I don't understand one thing. I  think the way
to do this is: So first step is revoked user certs on subca and these
serials I can find in subca crl , next is  revoked subca cert, and
root crl include this information. So next step is new generete new
cert from subca, subscribe this subca cert in  root ca, import back it
on subca. I use batch processor to automatics process generating cert
for client. But I don't know one thing. The crl on subca  include
revoked  cert??? That is important because client can verificate
status old certs.

Maybe this is wrong way?? Maybe I only need revoke cert of  subca,
destroy subca and create new. But what about client. Where they find
info about this action that mean crl. I want create new subca that has
domaine name the same like this destroy old.


Best Regards,

        Massimiliano Pala

Massimiliano Pala [OpenCA Project Manager]            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dartmouth Computer Science Dept               Home Phone: +1 (603) 397-3883
PKI/Trust - Office 063                        Work Phone: +1 (603) 646-9179

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