Mike Wiseman <mike.wise...@utoronto.ca> wrote:

> You're right. I guess what this boils down to is I don't know how to  
> create a CSR that contains an email address that can be inserted  
> into SAN at cert issue time (other than how I've done it). Do you  
> have a suggestion?

I think this might work, but I haven't tested. Put in your openssl.cnf  

CERTUSERFQDN            = r...@localhost #will be overridden

then later:

req_extensions = v3_req

[ v3_req ]

Then create a request using openssl without email in DN (in one line):

bash ~# CERTUSERFQDN="mike.wise...@utoronto.ca" openssl req -new  
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout mike.key -subj  
"/C=CA/O=Bla/OU=Blurb/CN=Mike Wiseman" -out mike.req

If that doesn't work, try to add "-extensions v3_req" at the end of  
the command.

> BTW, thanks for your work on getting the CRR signing to work with  
> recent browsers - I haven't got around to installing the patch yet  
> but will soon.

You can simply change the file. :-)


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