
I'm having problems initializing PostgreSQL database. I'm running OpenCA PKI
Version 1.1.1, OpenCA Tools Version 1.3.0, PostgreSQL-8.4, Apache2 on Debian

The error come when the system tries to create the database structure:

Error Code: 10040 Error while initializing the database. Cannot create the
table ca_certificate. (error 20016: EXECUTE_FAILED (error 11111: Do not
commit if the database or the module itself fails. (error 11111: Do not
commit if the database or the module itself fails. (error 20016:
EXECUTE_FAILED (error 11111: Do not commit if the database or the module
itself fails. (error 20512: COMMIT_FAILED (error 11111: Do not commit if the
database or the module itself fails. (error 20016: EXECUTE_FAILED (error
11111: Do not commit if the database or the module itself fails. (error
11111: Do not commit if the database or the module itself fails. (error
20016: EXECUTE_FAILED (error 11111: Do not commit if the database or the
module itself fails.))))))))))))

Here is my DB configuration on config.xml:

" <!-- ====================== --> <!-- database configuration --> <!--
====================== --> <option> <name>dbmodule</name> <!-- you can use
DB or DBI --> <value>DBI</value> </option> <option> <name>db_type</name>
<value>Pg</value> </option> <option> <name>db_name</name>
<value>openca</value> </option> <option> <name>db_host</name>
<value>localhost</value> </option> <option> <name>db_port</name>
<value>5432</value> </option> <option> <name>db_user</name>
<value>openca_user</value> </option> <option> <name>db_passwd</name>
<value>p4ssw0rd</value> </option> <option> <name>db_namespace</name>
<value>openca</value> </option> "

I've created "openca" DB and user "openca_user" on Postgresql as shown

root@fuse:/usr/local/etc/openca# su - postgres
postgres@fuse:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER openca_user WITH PASSWORD 'p4ssw0rd';
postgres=# ALTER USER openca_user CREATEDB;
postgres=# \q
postgres@fuse:~$ psql -U openca_user template1
template1=# CREATE DATABASE openca;
template1=# \connect openca
psql (8.4.7)
You are now connected to database "openca".
openca=# CREATE SCHEMA openca;
openca=# \q


I've analyzed tcp traffic using "tcpdump" and I see OpenCA is connecting to
Postgresql, but it keeps showing me the Error I've mention before on my

I've also followed the instructions on the thread "Error while initializing
the database" on the list, but I haven't been able to solve the error. I
would appreciate any help you can provide me.

Raúl Hernández
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