
I am using Ubuntu 11.10 to install OpenCA. This is my first time to install
openCA and it seems a bit difficult to install. I am curious to know if
there is any in-consistency between different versions of Ubuntu, or other
libraries since I got some problems during the installation.

I'm trying to install it from the openCA wikipage:

I have done the steps below, and the following libraries have been

   - build-essential
   - perl
   - openssl-0.9.8.x
   - apache2
   - mysql (Server)
   - libclass-dbi-mysql-perl
   - libldap2-dev
   - libxml2-dev
   - libssl-dev
   - ldap-utils
   - openCA-tools-1.3.0 (Installed the .bin file)

Then, I used the commands in the openCA wiki:

$ mysql (mysql -u root -p)

   mysql > CREATE DATABASE openca_db;

   mysql > use openca_db;

   mysql > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mohammad'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED
BY 'admin';


   mysql > quit

$ mysql -u mohammad -p -h localhost openca_db

 Next, I tried to compile the source code, in openCA library. I changed the
directory to LibPKI v.0.6.7 and:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/openca --with-ca-organization="KTH-LCN"
--with-httpd-fs-prefix=/var/www --with-httpd-main-dir=pki
--with-db-name=openca_db --with-db-host=localhost --with-db-user=mohammad
--with-db-password=admin --with-db-type=mysql --with-service-mail-account="

$ make

$ sudo make install-offline install-online

However, having reached here, I encountered the Error below:

*make: *** No rule to make target `install-offline'.  Stop.*

I have searched a lot to figure out the problem; however, I didn't find any
good result to solve the problem. Furthermore, I run the command below in
/src folder:

$ make check

and I got the errors below:

TOKEN Generation testsuite.

  * Generating RSA Key and Certificate:
    - generating a new token ... Ok.
    - setting token algorithm (65) ... Ok.
    - generating new Keypair (1024 bits) ... ERROR::can not generate a
new Keypair!

  * Generating RSA Key and Certificate:
    - generating a new token ... Ok.
    - setting token algorithm (65) ... Ok.
    - generating new Keypair (2048 bits) ... ERROR::can not generate a
new Keypair!

  * Generating DSA Key and Certificate:
    - generating a new token ... Ok.
    - setting token algorithm (113) ... Ok.
    - generating new Keypair (1024 bits) ... ERROR::can not generate a
new Keypair!

  * Generating ECDSA Key and Certificate:
    - generating a new token ... Ok.
    - setting token algorithm (416) ... ERROR::Can not set the token algorithm!


PASS: src/tests/test3

libpki Test - Massimiliano Pala <madw...@openca.org>
(c) 2006 by Massimiliano Pala and OpenCA Project
OpenCA Licensed Software

* Getting data from test URLs:
  o FILE [ file://COPYING ] ... Ok (got 1 objects)
    - Object 0 (size 17992 bytes)
  o HTTP [ http://www.apache.org ] ... Ok (got 1 objects)
    - Object 0 (size 34642 bytes)
  o LDAP [ ldap://ldap.dartmouth.edu:389/cn=Dartmouth CertAuth1,
o=Dartmouth College, C=US, dc=dartmouth, dc=edu?cACertificate;binary ]
... Ok (got 1 objects)
    - Object 0 (size 995 bytes)
  o MYSQL [ mysql://openca:openca@localhost/openca/certificate/?data ]
... ERROR!

FAIL: src/tests/test7

libpki Test - Massimiliano Pala <madw...@openca.org>
(c) 2006 by Massimiliano Pala and OpenCA Project
OpenCA Licensed Software

1083165104:error:25066067:DSO support routines:DLFCN_LOAD:could not
load the shared
/usr/lib/libeTPkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory
1083165104:error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could not load
the shared library:dso_lib.c:244:
1083165104:error:260B6084:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:dso not
1083165104:error:260AC089:engine routines:INT_CTRL_HELPER:invalid cmd
routines:ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string:invalid cmd name:eng_ctrl.c:316:
Please enter Token password: * Generating new Request ...
ERROR, can not generate a new Request!
FAIL: src/tests/test8

libpki Test - Massimiliano Pala <madw...@openca.org>
(c) 2006 by Massimiliano Pala and OpenCA Project
OpenCA Licensed Software

May 21 16:18:56 2012 GMT [16564] ERROR: test9.c:11:1:: LOG_ERR

May 21 16:18:56 2012 GMT [16564] WARNING: test9.c:15:2:: LOG_WARNING

May 21 16:18:56 2012 GMT [16564] NOTICE: test9.c:19:3:: LOG_NOTICE

FAIL: src/tests/test9
3 of 9 tests failed
Please report to libpki-us...@lists.sourceforge.net
make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1

It would be most kind of you if you can solve my problem since I am stuck
in the problem during the last week. Plz let me know if some parts are not
clear enough. I can provide more details.

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