HI Everybody,

I have a problem with using JCardManager. We have Gemxpresso RAD 211 V2.3
and V2.4 development kit installed.

When I am trying to install the Applet on to the simulator(GSE) it gives an
error( returns status codes 6F00 )
The package is loaded successfully. ( When I do the scanning I can see it ).

Could anybody please tell me what we have to specify in the 'Application
specific parameter' text box in JCardManager window, during INSTALL command.
I want to specify the first 16 bytes  AID and next 8 bytes  PIN  as my
installation parameters. I tried giving the same for 'Application specific
parameter' . But I am getting the status code as 6F00.

In my Applet constructor I am doing the following.

private Wallet (byte[] bArray,short bOffset,byte bLength){

    pin = new OwnerPIN(PIN_TRY_LIMIT,   MAX_PIN_SIZE);

    pin.update(bArray, (short)16, (byte)8);

    balance = initialBalance;

    register(bArray, (short)0, (byte)16 );

The Applet instance variables are
    OwnerPIN pin;
    short balance;

Please help me!
Thanks in advance

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