
I wrote my own CardService and my own CardServiceFactory using OCF 1.2.

It works fine in an Windows environment by using an pcsc-environment.

Now i want to try it under Linux (SuSE7.1).

First i tried with MUSCLE PSCS, then i tried with the Gemplus pure java 
I get work the OCF demo.samples and they will do what i expect (in both 

For pure java, i installed rxtx1.4.8 and the Solaris commapi from SUN. I 
use the gemplus-terminals-4.1.jar.

But ever when i'm using my own cardservice, i get the ominous 
classNotFoundException: CardService implementing VOPPoxy (my own 

At the beginning, i thought that there will be an error because of the 
PCSC-Bridge from MUSCLE. But now, the same error also occurs with 
purejava terminals from gemplus.

Under Windows, all is funktionating well. I'm sure, that my service is in 
the classpath. Even when i put it in jre/lib/ext, the error remains the same.

Do you have any hints about my problem ?

I tried out the hints from earlisr postinge about this exceptions, but 
they does not help.

Thanks you for any help


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