Hi * ,

I have a problem while getting the PIN from a user.
I use the following code to get the PIN as a string:

System.out.println("*** PLEASE ENTER YOUR 8-digit PIN for SmartCard Initialisation :");
            DefaultCHVDialog pinDialog = new DefaultCHVDialog();
            String pinString = pinDialog.getCHV(1);
            System.out.println("Your PIN is: "+pinString);
            byte [] myPIN = pinString.getBytes();

and the following to write it to a file:

            System.out.println("\nCreating Secret Code File " + ef_D003);
            fus.createSecretCodeFile(ef_D003, 1, null);
            // Load Secret Code
            GPKSecretCodeRef unlockRef = new 
GPKSecretCodeRef(GPKSecretCodeRef.LOCAL_CODE, (byte)0x00);
            System.out.println("\nLoading Secret Code in " + ef_D003);
            fus.importSecretCode(         ef_D003, // file
                                          pinNumber,  // pin
                                          0,          // code number
                                          fus.PLAIN_PRESENTATION, //mode
                                          3,  //failures

however I get an "Incorrect secret code length"

opencard.core.service.CardServiceInvalidParameterException: Incorrect secret code 

which is propably because the string.getBytes() method produces more bytes
than the 4 needed for fus.importSecretCode() thing.

Now is there a way to make this conversion with OCF or any other way ?

While searching I found public abstract interface CHVEncoder interface.
byte[] encodeCHV(java.lang.String chv)
       Transform a Java String into a byte array suitable for the verification command.

However there is is stated:
public static final java.lang.String STRING_ENCODINGString encoding; that
is, use the String.getBytes() method. This is only an intermediate

question 2.
I use the defaultDialog. From OCF documentation I saw that the terminal
should be automatically recognized and a) if the terminal has a display
then the dialog takes place into terminal's display, b) if no
display/keypad then we use the computer.
I have tested this (I only changed the terminals) with GemPC410 and
GemSelf-MS700 ... but this didnt work ...

question 3.
Can someone tell me where I can find the list of access code values and
their meaning?
byte[] ac = {(byte)0, (byte)0,           // Update - Not Protected
             (byte)0, (byte)0,           // Write - Not Protected
             (byte)0x40, (byte)0x81   //Read - Local Level Protected

I suppose there is a standard for these things .. right ?

Thanks for any hints :)


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