Hello all,
            I am working on the authentication framework(using smartcards) and am facing a problem in my code. The problem is as follows:
     The statement
               fus.createDF( parameters), with all the required parameters runs well when I execute the code as a java application and fails to run when executed as an applet, downloaded from the server(fus is an instance of the GPKFileUtilityService class). The exception that I get is as follows:
                        at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(DashoA6275)
                          This is followed by many lines of exceptions

         At last it says,
                  Caused by java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs:java.lang.SecurityException......

Please solve this problem of mine.

Awaiting your reply.

Thank You.
Gopal Desikan

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