------ Original Message ------

On 20/08/01, 20:51:25, "jcava.1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
[OCF]  Card Services not found???????:

> OCF newbie :---
> I am using Reflex 60 as pure JavaCard terminal under OCF1.2 with a IBM
> 3.5 MFC card.
> ReadFile compiles fine, however when running application the following
> errors occur.
> Any suggestions?????
> The services = in my properties includes the MFC factory, as i
> understand the factory is part of the
> download itself?

> Reading file from smart card...

It means what it says. The factory class cannot be found on the 
classpath. You must add the .jar containing the MFC cardservice factories 
onto your classpath before running your application.

Your opencard.properties or your application are telling OCF to load a 
factory that it cannot find.


> Visit the OpenCard web site at http://www.opencard.org/ for more
> information on OpenCard---binaries, source code, documents.
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