Hi Marc and Mark and other OCF lovers!

I'm not that pessimistic. I do think it is possible to maintain the OCF 
without the vendors. Reasons:

1. Almost all readers use PC-SC which means that we do fine with only 
this terminal service. PC-SC now works fine on UNIX too.

2. It is not that difficult to write a card service. With the provided 
reference implementations it just a couple of weeks.

3. There are at least one card (hopefully more) that close follows the 
ISO7816-x standards (setcos 4.3 from setec). With ISO7816-8 it is now 
possible to do standardized operation with the private key of the card.

I have two  services that I could "donate" to a new "OCF open source":

1. A "generic" card service that is only using strict ISO commands when 
communicating with the card. Unfortunately I have only been able to test 
the setcos4.3 card.

2. An update of the PC-SC terminal service that works fine on Linux.

We (TAJT) has developed a tool that will certify that a card fulfills 
the Swedish standard for identity cards. This tool will be used by 
public authorities in Sweden before accepting a new electronic identity 
card. The tool is using the previous mentioned "generic" card service. 
To find more information about the tool please search the page 
www.swedac.se for "SWEDAC-SAT" (overview/Activities/SWEDAC-SAT).


Marc Palmer wrote:

> ------ Original Message ------
> On 02/10/01, 14:54:55, Mark Dobrinic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
> regarding Re: [OCF] Motion to immediately close and dissolve the OpenCard:
>>I am follow this list occasionally, and since OCF is being used and has 
> potential in a Java-based world, is anybody interested in continuing this 
> project in some other way?
>>Or based on what is known about it, reimplement OCF to make it 
> better/better documented?
>>Like you suggest, develop OpenCard Foundation into a REAL Open SDK?
>>If anyone is interested, please let me know ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Yes of course many of us would be in theory.
> However, I don't think it is a good plan.
> Why? Well to do this kind of thing properly you must have the help of the 
> card/reader vendors. It's very hard work without this, and you can't make 
> it appeal to developers unless you support many readers and card types. 
> If you write a new system you will have a hard time getting SLB, IBM, 
> Gemplus, Bull etc. to provide "CardService" implementations for your 
> framework. They will not be interested unless it is a "standard" 
> framework (like OCF is in a way).
> Now, if the OpenCard Consortium is thinking of giving up because it can't 
> get vendors to support it enough, then what chance do any of us have?
> We have experienced similar problems with our DCSF product that extends 
> OCF with card identification and card service implementations 
> (http://www.wangjammers.org/smartcards/).
> I really think the card vendor executives need to get their brains into 
> gear and realise that this is a major enabler for smartcard applications 
> and they could be limiting themselves to the VISA and AMEX of this world 
> as far as customer bases go.
> Just because there aren't many java applications that use SmartCards yet, 
> doesn't mean there won't be. The potential is huge and Java is only now 
> maturing enough to make it possible to deploy user-friendly applications 
> that use smartcards.
> ...and our DCSF project hopes to make this a reality too. A public beta 
> release is imminent now.
> Kind regards,
> Marc Palmer
> http://www.wangjammers.org
> ---
>>Visit the OpenCard web site at http://www.opencard.org/ for more
>>information on OpenCard---binaries, source code, documents.
>>This list is being archived at http://www.opencard.org/archive/opencard/
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