Hi all at OCF-Mailinglist!!

I'm relative new to OCF,but i have a lot of Problems yet.
So I thougth I write a little mail to explain my problems to find out if
I am the only one with this problems or others have similar problems.

I use 
        Cardreader:Gemplus GemPC 410
        Card:Gempulus GPK 8k sample card

So I now at a stand that I can creat EF-files,read this out and so
one.This all with or without secure messaging and secrete code
Now I tried to use the card to sign and verfy code.At keyfiles without
any protection this works fine.But on keyfiles with accessconditions I
get the

exception:ISO error (69 82): Access condition not fulfilled:
        Secure messaging required and no key specified in Access Condition.
        Secure messaging required and no temporary administration key

I cant understand that,because I think I set the credential for this
The same problem I have when,for exsampel, I try to generate a keypair
on the card.
I go to the source code step by step to find the problem,but i cant find
the step where the service set the rigth accesconditions for the signing
or else(at creating DF or so I have see that the service take atomaticly
secrue messaging or make a CHV when it is required from the file or the

So I hope anyone else here has tried to perform this steps i explain
above and can write a small statemant so I can see where my fault is.

Mirko Weber

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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