To quote an old message on the OCF mail archive at

The software stack is as follows:

OCF java code:
MS generic smartcard support: WINSCARD.DLL
READER specific PCSC Driver DLL

Error 57 is not a return code specified by the PCSC I/F definition and thus the
semantic can not be explained without debugging the problem.
The error is returned from the READER specific PCSC Driver, probably as a result of a Microsoft system call that this reader is using.
winerror.h defines

// MessageText:
// A network adapter hardware error occurred.

So it looks like a problkem with the reader driver.


We are developing Java Card project.

We are using Swing for Host Application, JCDK for Card Applets, & OCF
for interfacing.

We are using GXP211_PK card.

We are able to connect to card, but when when we send some data to card,
it returns some PcscException with 00000057 as code.

We are stuck here !!

Can somebody help us out ?

Following is the code :

public class OCFConnection  {

 private Pcsc10CardTerminal cardTerminal;    //represents card reader

  private static final int IFD_TIMEOUT = 10;

public PassThruCardService commService; //represents communication
private int n; //temporary counter.
private int intATR; //represents int form of ATR.
private byte[] cardATR; //represents ATR returned by card.
private CommandAPDU commandAPDU; //represents instruction & data to
be sent to reader.

public OCFConnection () {
// get system properties
Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties ();
// set system properties for OCF, PC/SC and PassThruCardServce
systemProperties.put ("OpenCard.terminals",

  public void initOCF ()
  // represents specimen APDU.
  byte[]  apduContents = {(byte)0,(byte)164,(byte)4,(byte)0,(byte)7,
  commandAPDU = new CommandAPDU (apduContents);

   SmartCard.start ();

   CardTerminalRegistry cardTerminalRegistry =
CardTerminalRegistry.getRegistry ();

   cardTerminal =
(Pcsc10CardTerminal)cardTerminalRegistry.cardTerminalForName ("Gemplus
GemPC430 0");

   CardRequest cardRequest = new CardRequest (CardRequest.ANYCARD, null,
   cardRequest.setTimeout (IFD_TIMEOUT);  // set timeout for IFD
   System.out.println ("wait for smart card - insert smart card in

    // wait  for a smart card inserted into the terminal
    SmartCard smartCard = SmartCard.waitForCard (cardRequest);

    if (smartCard != null)
    {  // no error occur and a smart card is in the terminal
          commService = (PassThruCardService) smartCard.getCardService
(PassThruCardService.class, true);

          String stringATR = new String ();

          System.out.print ("ATR:           ");
          CardID cardID = smartCard.getCardID ();
          cardATR = cardID.getATR ();

          for (n=0; n< cardATR.length; n++) {
           intATR = (int) (0x000000FF & cardATR[n]);            // byte
to int conversion
             stringATR = Integer.toHexString (intATR).toUpperCase ();
//String conversion

             if (stringATR.length () == 1) stringATR = "0" + stringATR;
              System.out.print(stringATR + " ");

          } // end of for

          System.out.println ("");
      }// end of if.

      System.out.println (commandAPDU.toString ());

     //obtain response from card
     ResponseAPDU responseAPDU = commService.sendCommandAPDU

     System.out.println (responseAPDU.sw1 ());
     System.out.println (responseAPDU.sw2 ());

     smartCard.close ();
     SmartCard.shutdown ();

  catch (CardTerminalException e)
   System.out.println (e.getMessage ());

  catch (Exception e)
   System.out.println (e.getMessage ());

   String errorMsg = PcscError.getMessage ((int)57);

System.out.println (errorMsg);

 public static void main (String args[]) {
  OCFConnection siObject = new OCFConnection ();
  siObject.initOCF ();

Awadhoot Aphale


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