On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 7:55 AM, Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org> wrote:
> I think I know how to use this to make a replacement for RelEx2Logic,
> by using a parallel English-Lojban corpus, and then using the pattern
> miner to find patterns from the set of pairs of the form
>  (link parser output for English sentence S,
> Lojban->Atomese parser output for Lojban cognate S' of English sentence S)

I am going to write a couple pages explaining the above in detail,
sometime in the next week, for use by Roman and Rui Ting...

Note that if we changed to a different link grammar dictionary (e.g.
one that was learned by unsupervised learning, hint hint) then we
would just need to re-run this pattern-mining process and we'd get a
new R2L-like-system-of-transformations transforming the output from
the new link grammar dictionary into nice PLN-friendly logical


Ben Goertzel, PhD

“I tell my students, when you go to these meetings, see what direction
everyone is headed, so you can go in the opposite direction. Don’t
polish the brass on the bandwagon.” – V. S. Ramachandran

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