
On Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 12:11:57 PM UTC+8, Ben Goertzel wrote:
> !!! Caveat: This post presents some speculative suggestions, not to be 
> interpreted 
> as a definitive plan or mandate for work-to-be-done or anything like 
> that; just as an interesting-looking directly for investigation 
> TL;DR — particularly for use of OpenCog in bioinformatics and other 
> scientific-computing applications — but also for other applications like 
> corpus linguistics where one deals with large datasets and wants to 
> combine OpenCog with other command-line tools — it might be a good 
> idea to replace or supplement our current Guile shell with a wrapping-up 
> of OpenCog in Common Lisp … and in particular in the CLASP Common 
> Lisp framework that Christian Schafmeister has developed.   This would 
> also have some other smaller side-benefits like letting us exploit the CL 
> bindings for Jupiter Notebooks which would be cool for OpenCog 
> tutorials; and making it easy to generate LISP bindings for ROS, thus 
> avoiding the need to deal with ros-py for OpenCog robotics applications… 
> Basic reasons are: CLASP is efficient at handling large datasets and 
> piping them from one place to another.   It can also automatically 
> generate bindings for C++ code, which could be used to auto-generate 
> LISP bindings for ROS…. 
> … 
> So I met Christian Schafmeister at an AI-nanotech workshop in Palo 
> Alto late last month, and I became aware of this really cool LISP 
> environment for scientific computing that he's been developing... 
> He has some strong arguments as to why this is a better way than R or 
> python to get scientific computing done on large datasets…. 
> One thing he found is that in many of his computational chemistry 
> analysis scripts, the bulk of compute time was getting taken up 
> passing around datasets and results between different C++ programs, 
> in R or python or whatever other glue language was being used… 
> Via using Common LISP compiled into LLVM, he found this could be 
> worked around, because one could then script stuff in CL but have 
> efficient garbage collection done via LLVM … 
> My speculative line of thinking now is that it might be interesting to 
> -- supplement or replace Guile with Clasp as a shell for working with 
> OpenCog 
> -- Integrate C++ bio-analytics tools into Clasp, in a similar way to 
> what Schafmeister has been doing for chem-analytics tools 
> — Integrate R bio-analytics tools into Clasp as well, using the following 
> LLVM compiler for R 
> (although I note this compiler appears to still need a bit of work to be 
> fully 
> generally usable…) 
> — Use the Clasp tools for automatically generating and updating LISP 
> bindings 
> for C++ code, to auto-generating ROS bindings for CL 
> — Use the Jupyter Notebooks wrapping for CL to make Jupyter tutorials 
> for OpenCog 
> (although, as a side note, integrating Guile with Jupyter Notebooks 
> would also not be impossible ... it would just be a bunch of work, 
> like any of this…) 
> … 
> I note, one can auto-convert Guile to Common Lisp using existing available 
> scripts, though obviously this will require some hand-checking 
> afterwards... 
> For OpenCog uses of Guile that are basically just “Guile wrapping 
> Atomese”, 
> auto-conversion to CL would likely work fine.  For cases where there is 
> more actual programming done in Guile, more hand-adjustment of conversions 
> to CL would probably be necessary.. 
> One could also emulate what Schafmeister did for C++, and auto-generate CL 
> bindings for R packages.  Although much of the time, the R packages are 
> just 
> wrapping C++ functions; so in those cases, it might sometimes be better 
> just 
> to bypass R and go straight from the underlying C++ functions to CL … 
> Another possibility would be to develop R-like syntax in a domain-specific 
> language within CL … much as we’re now developing ChatScript-like 
> syntax within Guile for authoring content for the Hanson robots… 
> … 
> Anyway it is not yet clear that the above would be a great idea, and 
> obviously 
> it would be a lot of work to do….  However I think that, insofar as we can 
> find 
> time to consider new development directions, this is worth thinking about… 
> — Ben 
> -- 
> Ben Goertzel, PhD 
> "I am God! I am nothing, I'm play, I am freedom, I am life. I am the 
> boundary, I am the peak." -- Alexander Scriabin 

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