> PresentLinks and AlwaysLinks are "reserved keywords" intended for the 
> pattern matcher, only.  If you defocus your eyes a bit, then sure, they 
> seem to resemble the predicate-logic "there-exists" and "for-all" .  But 
> the were not designed for reasoning, there were designed for solving the 
> "subgraph isomorphism problem" and for "term rewriting". So if you actually 
> need the predicate-logic constructs "there-exists" and "for-all", then you 
> should use the ThereExistsLink and ForAllLink.  (These have been so 
> under-utilized in the code base that they might have been stripped out; but 
> they could be added back in. ).
> Hi Linas,
those are binding though, right? So, how do I combine them with their own 
kind as well as other links in a consistently binding way?


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