Took the dog for a walk, which helps w/ thinking. So .. a very short reply
(as short as I can make it) and will ponder the entire email chain tomorrow

The meta-question I pondered during the walk was "what can be prototyped in
a few days/weeks?" and the answer becomes simpler (because the choices are
fewer). Two parts.

Part one: create a custom atom (UpLink (Atom X) (Number N)) and it will
return the incoming set up to N steps upward from X. This atom has a unique
hash, and so can always be found.

What should a remote server do, when asked for this? Well, it could just do
the look-up, then and there, and return the results.  Alternately, the
remote node can do the lookup, attach the results, together with a
timestamp, as a Value on that UpLink, and return that. That way, you know
how old/stale your results are.

Part two: Oh wait, we already have UpLink. It's called JoinLink.

Part three: Oh wait, we could do this with an arbitrary BindLink/GetLink.
We could take the most recent search results, attach a timestamp to the
results and attach that as a Value on some key.  That way, you can ask the
network for that Bind/Get, and if it comes back with a new-enough
timestamp, you can be happy and just use the results, and not re-perform
the search. If you're not happy with the results, you can re-run the
pattern match, and publish your latest/greatest results to the world. (Or
rather, you attach the results to the Bind/Get, and announce "I too have a
copy of this atom")

There are still a few holes in what I describe above, but maybe they're not
serious. Not sure. My sense is that some variant of this can be prototyped
in not much time at all. It might even be usable for the genomics work,
where the data is almost totally static, where many searches tend to be
built on sub-searches which can be cached, and do not have to be recomputed
each time.  Currently, we cache in a scheme wrapper, but caching search
results as a Value on the Get/BindLink itself makes more sense.  (FWIW this
kind of caching was briefly done for openpsi, many years ago, but fell into
disuse. Amen might remember details, I don't. I just remember that caching
made sense, at the time.) Habash was thinking about a server for the
genomics data, but I think he was going in a different direction. But maybe
this works for him?


On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 10:20 PM Ben Goertzel <> wrote:

> Differently but indirectly relatedly, this caching system for graph
> queries looks interesting,
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 8:15 PM Ben Goertzel <> wrote:
> >
> > Matt,
> >
> > So regarding these requirements,
> >
> > > 1. Some cluster node will "own" each atom by assignment via some
> simple division of the hash address space.
> > > 2. Each cluster node will also contain replicas of many other atoms,
> not only for disaster recovery purposes, but also because mind agents on
> that node will need in local memory many atoms "owned" by other nodes. Once
> we've obtained them from their owners, we might as well keep them around
> until we need to recover memory space for other "borrowed" atoms more
> urgently needed.
> > > 3. A mind agent on a given node wants to be able to update atom
> properties (truth value, etc) locally, without having to talk to the
> "owner" node directly.
> > > 4. Perfect consistency of atom state between different nodes is not a
> strict requirement, but it is desirable for a node to be able to identify
> the 'authoritative' source for a given atom, and that source should reflect
> a reasonably recent state of the atom as updated by any replica node.
> > > 5. Relatively poor storage efficiency is acceptable. I.e., a single
> node may only be able to dedicate a relatively small portion of its memory
> to storing the atoms it owns; a majority of its space may go to replicated
> atoms. Nodes are cheap; we'll just buy more. :-)
> > >
> > > Given those design goals, I think we're looking at a publish-subscribe
> model for replicating updates to atoms.
> >
> >
> > -- what Linas and Cassio and Senna have all posited, is that it may be
> > more sensible to replace "Atom" with "Chunk" (i.e. sub-metagraph) in
> > the above requirements..
> >
> > What the references I sent in my just-prior email suggest is that, for
> > the sorts of graphs that tend to be created in real life, defining
> > Chunks in a fairly simple heuristic way (i.e. each chunk is just a
> > bunch of tightly-ish connected nodes and links) rather than via
> > running an expensive partitioning algorithm will generally be
> > adequate.
> >
> > The requirements you state are in my view correct as regards Atoms.
> > However, the perspective being put forth is that handling these
> > requirements explicitly on the level of Atoms rather than Chunks will
> > become computationally intractable given the number of Atoms involved
> > and the dynamic nature of the Atomspace.
> >
> > -- Ben
> --
> Ben Goertzel, PhD
> “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to
> live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same
> time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn,
> burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders
> across the stars.” -- Jack Kerouac
> --
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        --Peter da Silva

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