Hi Calvin,

On Sat, Oct 2, 2021 at 9:31 AM Calvin Irby <calvin.irb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Link Grammar Community,
> I was just wondering about how the way that Link Grammar is written. I know 
> over time it has changed a lot and various support for other languages have 
> been added. But why was Link Grammar written in C?

Because neither Python nor Java existed when link Grammar was created
-- version 1.0 came out in 1991, so it's celebrating it's 30th
anniversary, now.

> Is it because C is fast and so natural language processing requires the C 
> language so that calculations are done as fast as possible. If that's the 
> case, where would that leave other high level languages? Could Link Grammar 
> ever be rewritten in a language like Python?

Yes it could be. Any system can be rewritten in any (Turing complete)
language whatsoever. Most programming languages are Turing complete,
the few exceptions are explicitly not: regex's are for finite state
machines, only.

For the link parser, Python would be a low-quality choice. For two
reasons. (1) good god, why? The code already exists, it's debugged, it
works. (2) it would be 10x or 20x slower. Many of the structures
inside of LG are hand-tuned to fit inside the cache-line of a typical
modern CPU, and a fair chunk of it's performance comes from this kind
of tuning. This tuning is (literally) impossible in Python and java.
(3) If you do want to create something new, well -- I'm developing a
theory and an infrastructure that is Link-Grammar-like, but is more
general: I believe it will work for audio and video (and other things,
too) but the parser will remain very link-grammar-like.  See the
README's in https://github.com/opencog/learn  and the documentation in
 https://github.com/opencog/atomspace/sheaf for more details.

> It just seems like High Level Languages like Java and Python make it 
> difficult because developers never seem to learn all of the language and are 
> always fighting an uphill battle just trying to understand all of a 
> language's ecosystem.

Python is the Visual Basic of the 21st century.  A lot of people who
don't know how to program, who are terrible programmers, write code in
Python.  It's OK to keep them at arm's length.

The Java infrastructure is daunting.  There are practical issues:
requiring 16GB of RAM for infrastructure just to write and run "hello
world" is more than I can handle.  I spent years coding in java, and
came to dislike it.  It's very verbose -- you have to write 5-10 lines
of code to do just the simplest things.

Much much more important is the theory: It is very difficult to write
abstract, recursive algorithms in Java. The entire idea of
object-orientation fights against the idea of recursive data
structures.  Things like Link Grammar, and the AtomSpace are all about
recursive data structures. It would be miserable to have to work with
these in Java. It's like .. I dunno, wearing pants for a shirt.
Wearing a shirt for pants. Shirts and pants are great, but you have to
wear them on the correct part of your body.  The shape of recursive
data structures simply does not fit conventional OO languages - not
just Java, but also javascript, (although that is for a very different
reason, having to do with named data structure locations, as opposed
to anonymous ones.)

This is why most of my code is in Scheme, these days. It's not because
Scheme is a great language. Actually, it kind of sucks - it's hard to
use, hard to understand, difficult to read, difficult to modify.  But
it fits the data structures much much better.  ***For this particular
project*** (and not other projects!) one line of Scheme does more than
20 lines of contorted, complexticated Java or Python boilerplate.
It's all about the data structure.

> Not only that, but my predictions is that the C language is a safe bet now 
> for most projects as AI and ML techniques will soon be taking over the 
> development world. We are already seeing a movement for "No code" and Tim O' 
> Reilly even commented recently that "The Golden Age of the Programmer is 
> over". Is C going to be the surviving dinosaur language that will continue to 
> thrive in the future while all the other various high level languages die out 
> to the technologies that big corporations are developing? Google and 
> Microsoft seem to be on a race to develop AI that helps out developers.

You're talking about developers who are inexperienced -- the "Visual
Basic" kind of thinkers -- the "Power Users". The people who were
crappy programmers to begin with.  Sure, AI will allow them to evolve
into better crappy programmers, or not be programmers at all.

-- Linas

Patrick: Are they laughing at us?
Sponge Bob: No, Patrick, they are laughing next to us.

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