On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 3:08 PM Ivan V. <ivan.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The logical step would be to prepare a CogServer instance filled with
> those millions of atoms, keep it always running, and then query only what
> is of the current interest to forward it to a browser.

Yes, exactly.

> Anyway, who would browse over millions of atoms all at once? One might
> only be interested in some subset of it, and if that subset can be measured
> in thousands of atoms,

Or even just hundreds.  Or dozens.

> Do you have any basic glimpse of a kind of visualization you'd like to
> have? And what user interactions would pair it to be successful?

That's the hard question. It's hard to find good answers. I need your help
finding good answers. Here are some ideas.  For example, given one word,
find all the other words "related" to it. Order the list by the
strength-of-relationship (and maybe show only the top-20). There are
various different ways of defining "relatedness". One is to ask for all
words that occur nearby, in "typical" text.  So, for example, if you ask
about "bicycle", you might get back "bicycle wheel", "bicycle seat", "ride
bicycle", "own bicycle".  Another might be to ask for "similar" words, you
might get back "car", "horse", "bus", "motorcycle".   A third query would
return skip-gram-like "disjuncts", of the form "ride * bicycle to *" or "*
was on * bicycle" or "* travelled by bicycle * on foot"  -- stuff like
that.  These are all fairly low-level relationships between words, and are
the kind of datasets I have right now, today.

My long-term goal, vision is to create a complex sophisticated network of
information. Given that network, how can it be visualized, how can it be
queried?  A classic answer would be a school-child homework assignment:
"write 5 sentences about bicycles".   This would be a random walk through
the knowledge network, converting that random walk into grammatically
correct sentences (we're talking about how to do this in link-grammar, in a
different email thread. It's hard.)

Is there a way of visualizing this kind of random walk? Showing the local
graph of things related to bicycles?

So the meta-problem is: given a network of knowledge, how does one interact
with it? How does one visualize it? How does one make it do things? If I
pluck the word "bicycle" like a guitar string, how can I hear, see the
vibrations of the network?

-- Linas

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