cloc counts blank lines, comment lines,and physical lines of source code in 
many programming languages.Given two versions of a code base, cloc can 
computedifferences in blank, comment, and source lines.It is written 
entirely in Perl with no dependencies outside thestandard distribution of 
Perl v5.6 and higher (code from some external modules is embedded within 
cloc)and so is quite portable.cloc is known to run on many flavors of 
Linux, FreeBSD,NetBSD, OpenBSD,Mac OS X, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, IRIX, z/OS, 
and Windows.(To run the Perl source version of cloc on Windows one needs 
ActiveState Perl5.6.1 or higher, Strawberry Perl, Cygwin, or MobaXTerm 
withthe Perl plug-in installed.Alternatively one can use the Windows binary 
of cloc generated with PAR::Packer to run on Windows computers that have 
neither Perl nor Cygwin.)
cloc linux download

*Download Zip › <>*

cloc contains code from David Wheeler's SLOCCount,Damian Conway and 
Abigail's Perl moduleRegexp::Common,Sean M. Burke's Perl 
moduleWin32::Autoglob, and Tye McQueen's Perl 
moduleAlgorithm::Diff.Language scale factors were derived from Mayes 
Consulting, LLC web site

npm install -g cloc # sudo apt-get install cloc # Debian, Ubuntu sudo yum 
install cloc # Red Hat, Fedora sudo pacman -S cloc # Arch sudo pkg install 
cloc # FreeBSD sudo port install cloc # Mac OS X with MacPorts

cloc is licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2, 
excludingportions which are copied from other sources. Code copied from the 
Regexp::Common, Win32::Autoglob, and Algorithm::Diff Perl modules is 
subject to the Artistic License.

Although cloc does not need Perl modules outside those found in the 
standard distribution, cloc does rely on a few external modules.Code from 
three of these external modules--Regexp::Common,Win32::Autoglob, and 
Algorithm::Diff--is embedded within cloc. A fourth module,Digest::MD5, is 
used only if it is available.If cloc finds Regexp::Common or 
Algorithm::Diffinstalled locally it will use thoseinstallation. If it 
doesn't, cloc will install the partsof Regexp::Commonand/or 
Algorithm:Diffit needs to temporary directories that are createdat the 
start of a cloc run then removed when the run is complete. The necessary 
code from Regexp::Common v2.120 andAlgorithm::Diff v1.1902 are embedded 
withinthe cloc source code (see subroutinesInstall_Regexp_Common() 
andInstall_Algorithm_Diff() ).Only three lines are needed from 
Win32::Autoglob and these areincluded directly in cloc.

The default Windows download, cloc-1.64.exe, was built with PAR::Packer on 
a Windows 7 computer with Strawberry Perl. Windows executables of cloc 
versions 1.60 and earlier were built withperl2exeon a 32 bit Windows XP 
computer. A small modification was madeto the cloc source code before 
passing it to perl2exe; lines 87 and88 were uncommented:85 # Uncomment next 
two lines when building Windows executable with perl2exe86 # or if running 
on a system that already has Regexp::Common. 87 #use Regexp::Common;88 
#$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1;

Windows executables of cloc versions 1.60 and earlier, created with 
perl2exe as noted above,are about 1.6 MB, while newer versions, created 
with PAR::Packer,are 11 MB.Why are the newer executables so much larger? My 
theory is that perl2exe uses smarter tree pruning logic than PAR::Packer, 
but that's pure speculation.

Otherwise,to build a Windows executable with pp from PAR::Packer,first 
install a Windows-based Perl distribution (for exampleStrawberry Perl or 
ActivePerl) following their instructions. Next, opena command prompt, aka a 
DOS window and install the PAR::Packer module.Finally, invoke the newly 
installed pp command with thecloc souce code to create an .exe file:C:> 
perl -MCPAN -e shellcpan> install PAR::Packercpan> exitC:> pp cloc-1.64.plA 
variation on the above is if you installed the portable versionof 
Strawberry Perl, you will need to run portableshell.batfirst to properly 
set up your environment. The Strawberry Perlderived executable on the 
SourceForge download area was createdwith the portable version on a Windows 
7 computer.

Languages with file extension collisions are difficult tocustomize with 
--read-lang-def or--force-lang-def as they have no mechanism to identify 
languages with common extensions. In thissituation one must modify the cloc 
source code.

cloc's method of operation resembles SLOCCount's: First, createa list of 
files to consider. Next, attempt to determine whether or notfound files 
contain recognized computer language source code. Finally, for files 
identified as source files, invoke language-specific routinesto count the 
number of source lines.

How can you tell if cloc correctly identifies comments?One way to convince 
yourself cloc is doing the right thing is to use its --strip-comments 
option toremove comments and blank lines from files, then compare the 
stripped-down files to originals.

We can now compare the orignial file,sqlite3.c and the one stripped of 
comments, with tools like diff or vimdiff and seewhat exactly 
cloc considered comments and blank lines.A rigorous proof that the 
stripped-down file contains the same C codeas the original is to compile 
these files and compare checksums of theresulting object files.

Versions of cloc before v1.07 required an --extract-with= option to tell 
cloc howto expand an archive file. Beginning with v1.07 this is extraction 
isattempted automatically. At the moment the automatic extraction method 
worksreasonably well on Unix-type OS's for the following file 
types:.tar.gz,.tar.bz2,.tgz,.zip,.ear.Some of these extensions work on 
Windows if one has WinZip installedin the default location (C:\Program 
Files\WinZip\WinZip32.exe).Additionally, with newer versions of WinZip, the 
command line add-onis needed for correct operation; in this case one would 
invoke cloc withsomething like
--extract-with="\"c:\Program Files\WinZip\wzunzip\" -e -o >FILE< ." (ref. 
forum post).

In situations where the automatic extraction fails, one can try the 
--extract-with=option to count lines of code within tar files, Zip files, 
orother compressed archives for which one has an extraction tool.cloc takes 
the user-provided extraction command and expands the archiveto a temporary 
directory (created with File::Temp), counts the lines of code in the 
temporary directory,then removes that directory. While not especially 
helpful when dealingwith a single compressed archive (after all, if you're 
going to typethe extraction command anyway why not just manually expand the 
archive?)this option is handy for working with several archives at once.

In addition to file pairs, one can give cloc pairs ofdirectories, or pairs 
of file archives, or a file archiveand a directory. cloc will try to align 
file pairs within the directories or archives and compare diffsfor each 
pair. For example, to see what changed betweenGCC 4.4.0 and 4.5.0 one could 

cloc can write its language comment definitions to a file or can 
readcomment definitions from a file, overriding the built-in 
definitions.This can be useful when you want to use cloc to count lines of 
alanguage not yet included, to change association of file extensionsto 
languages, or to modify the way existing languages are counted.

A more complete discussion of the different filter options may appearhere 
in the future. The output of cloc's --write-lang-def option should provide 
enough examplesfor motivated individuals to modify or extend cloc's 
language definitions.

If you manage multiple software projects you might be interested inseeing 
line counts by project, not just by language.Say you manage three software 
projects called MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.The teams responsible for 
each of these projects run cloc on theirsource code and provide you with 
the output.For example MySQL team does

The *metadata* table contains information about when the cloc run was made. 
The --sql-append switch allows one to combinemany runs in a single 
database; each run adds arow to the metadata table.The code count 
information resides in table *t*.

The --sql switch tells cloc to generate output in the formof SQL table 
create and insert commands. The switch takes an argument of a file name to 
write these SQL statements into, or,if the argument is 1 (numeric one), 
streams output to STDOUT.Since the SQLite command line program, sqlite3, 
can readcommands from STDIN, we can dispense with storing SQL statements 
toa file and use --sql 1 to pipe data directly into theSQLite executable:

cloc versions before 1.50 by default computed, for the provided inputs, 
arough estimate of how many lines of code would be needed to write thesame 
code in a hypothetical third-generation computer language.To produce this 
output one must now use the --3 switch.

The biggest flaw with this approach is that gearing ratiosare defined for 
logical lines of source code not physical lines (which cloc counts).The 
values in cloc's 'scale' and '3rd gen. equiv.' columns should be taken with 
a large grain of salt.

Identifying comments within source code is trickier than one might 
expect.Many languages would need a complete parser to be counted 
correctly.cloc does not attempt to parse any of the languages it aims to 
count and therefore is an imperfect tool.The following are known problems:

If cloc does not recognize a language you are interested in counting,post 
the following information to a Feature Requestat cloc's SourceForge page:
   1. File extensions associated with the language. If the language doesnot 
   rely on file extensions and instead works with fixed file names orwith #! 
   style program invocations, explain what those are.
   2. A description of how comments are defined.
   3. Links to sample code.

*cloc* is a command-line-based tool. It counts the blank lines, comment 
lines, actual code lines written in many programming languages. cloc is 
completely written in the Perl language*,* and it has no external 
dependencies. cloc can run on many operating systems like Linux, macOS, 
OpenBSD and many more.

I encountered the same problem on a debian:stretch-based container running 
on Docker for Windows, where the volume cloc was running against was a 
local directory. The solution was to add --follow-links to cloc:

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