
I can tell you why I don't move to 4.3.2. For us at the U, we purchased 4.2 off of the long standing agreement with IBM a few years ago. Then IBM cancelled that agreement and created a new one that cost $15,000 to join (as a U). Several departments then decided to pay for this and we weren't one of them. For us to get in with them now and get a valid license, it will cost us > $600.00 for one license. How important is it? 4.2 will have to do--unless we could get a free license with media, etc.


There's a *space* following the continuation-backslash on the #define that starts just above the line that offends the gcc compiler in jni_md.h . remove it and you
are home free.

For my jdk1.1.8 it is line 91, wonder why it is 89 for you!?!?!


PS why don't you move to aix 4.3.2?

David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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