I semi-retired the machine that I did that on.  I have our systems guy
bringing it back up.  I'll let y'all know.


"Suhaib M. Siddiqi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@opendx.watson.ibm.com on
02/23/2000 02:59:41 PM

Please respond to opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de


To:   <opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de>
Subject:  [opendx-dev] BX Pro and OpenDx


In your previous message about BX Pro and OpenDX, you mentioned if people
are interested you would
put the pieces together for a show-and-tell.
I am certainly very interested in what you described.  Could you please
provide access
to your BXDX widget model?  Feel free to e-mail me directly.

Please respond to opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de


To:   "[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ibm. Com" <opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de>
Subject:  [opendx-dev] BX Pro and OpenDX

Now you need to add a callback to the UI to pass down the filename.  You
push a button in the DX manager window, and the callback editor appears.
You type in code that pulls the file name from the widget that comes in as
a parameter, and calls DXLink to send it to the NamedInput in the net.  A
button compiles it and a button installs it.   Edit the file selector
dialog.  Find the correct callback resource, and type in the name of the
one you just coded.  You do the same for a slider widget - create, compile
and install a callback that extracts the value from the slider widget and
sends it to the named input of the net.

Put it in play mode.  It all works - even the area message, that is
automatically routed to the correct widget by the infrastructure.

If people are interested, I might be able to put the pieces together for a


Please respond to opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de


To:   "[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ibm. Com" <opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de>
Subject:  [opendx-dev] BX Pro and OpenDX

Greg and Pete

Any comments on the following message from Mark Hatch from ICS?
Is the BX Pro feature still exists or can this code be activated



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Hatch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 12:35 PM
> To: Suhaib Siddiqi
> Subject: RE: lesstif on cygwin
> >
> >
> >What kind of BX Pro hooks was it having?  Was it an
> added advantage
> >for data visualization?
> Primarily we were used to build the user interface . A
> widget was added to
> the BX palette for DX (the closed one  ;-) ). Basically,
> a developer would
> build the ui to his/her application and then drop a DX
> widget on the UI. At
> that point, DX took over for the actual display. This was
> suppose to
> compete with the AVS product that combined their 3D
> Visualization tool with
> our competitor, UIM/X (Visual Edge).
> I suspect that they lost a couple deals to AVS, and this
> lack of a GUI
> builder integration was mentioned by the customer as
> being key to their
> decision. Hard to imagine that there was that big an
> advantage to having a
> visualization object on a GUI builder palette!
> Mark
> ~

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