
    my question is simple, is there somewhere a document about the
source (directory, description, link between files). We'd like to modify
some parts of the source for 2 reasons.

    1 : we'd like to see if it's possible to use Volume rendering with
hardware option on us SGI Onyx2. By now we are not sure that this is
possible without completly recode the application... so we're looking
for explanations or descriptions of the structure of the source.

    2 : SGI has developped a library (MPU) for use of their cave (and
others periph stereo ...). The purppose is to keep the "same"
application (that genereate OpenGL) and use it independantly with 1
pipe, 2 pipes .... the pipe is the periph hardware on Onyx2 to use for
generating images.

    What do you think of these ideas ? Is it possible for someone who
know OpenGL to recode the parts of OpenDX ?

    Thank you for your answers, please cc to my email adress.

Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Superieur
CINES Montpellier France
33 4 67 14 14 14
Fax 33 4 67 52 37 63

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