From the docs and based on Slab's behavior, Slice generates incorrect
origins and deltas for regular grids.  I have an example below for those
that don't follow dx-users.

     I propose to change Slice's behavior for regular grids to the

    Slice( field, dim, pos )

    1. Look for a unique non-zero component in field.deltas[dim]
    2. If found:
       a. Call that index "axis" (0=x, 1=y, 2=z, etc.)
       b. series position = ( origin + pos * deltas[dim] )[ axis ]
       c. origin_new      = ( origin + pos * deltas[dim] ) with
                            'axis' component removed
       d. deltas_new      = deltas with deltas[dim] removed, and
                            'axis' component removed from the remaining deltas
       e. counts_new      = counts with counts[dim] removed
    3. Else

     If there are no objections, I'll submit a patch early next week.
     Any thoughts on the Else?  The Else includes cases like
non-axis-aligned grids (e.g. deltas={[-1,1],[1,1]}), with either orthogonal
or non-orthogonal connections.  If no one cares, we can just leave the
current behavior alone for those cases (though creating spatially
meaningful origins/deltas based on distance measurements might be more


P.S.  Why not just ignore Slice and use Slab you ask?  One reason is: 2D
operations on a 3D volume.  For example, Reduce won't let you reduce in
some dimensions but not others (e.g. X&Y, but not Z).
Slice(all)->Reduce->Stack does the job efficiently, except that origin and
deltas are corrupted by Slice.  And you can't use Slab instead in this
pipeline as Stack insists on increasing the dimensionality.

EXAMPLE:             y

                202  * ---- * ---- * ---- *
                     |      |      |      |
                     |      |      |      |
                201  * ---- * ---- * ---- *
                     |      |      |      |
                     |      |      |      |
                200  * ---- * ---- * ---- *
                    100    102    104    106   ==> x

  field = Construct( origin = [ 100,200 ],
                     deltas = { [ 0,1 ], [ 2,0 ] },
                     counts = [ 3,4 ] );

  slice = Slab( field, dimension=0, position=1, thickness=0 );
    --> returns: origin=[100,201], deltas={ [0,1],[2,0] }, counts=[1,4]

  slice = Slice( field, dimension=0, position=1 );
    --> returns      : origin=[200], deltas={ [1] }, counts=[4]
    --> SHOULD RETURN: origin=[100], deltas={ [2] }, counts=[4]


Randall Hopper (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lockheed Martin Operation Support
EPA Scientific Visualization Center
US EPA MD/24 ERC-1A; RTP, NC 27711

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