_newtri.c projects 3-D FLEs into 2D intelligently.  If a FLE is planar in
three-space, projecting it into two-space preserves its topology, unless it
projects onto a plane perpendicular to the FLE plane.  I have little doubt
that there remain cases that don't triangulate successfully - doing
geometric processing in 3D is very prone to error, and its very difficult
(or impossible) to anticipate all the cases where weird things happen.  You
just gotta debug them.  Quadrille paper comes in *very* handy.


Randall Hopper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@opendx.watson.ibm.com on 11/01/2001
10:49:30 PM

Please respond to opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de


To:   opendx2-dev@lists.berlios.de
Subject:  [opendx-dev] Re: 3D models -> DX: Anyone for polygon support?

Gregory D Abram:
 |>   1) self-intersecting loops (e.g. figure 8)
 |>   2) self-overlapping loops (i.e. edges coincident with other edges)
 |>   3) different loops intersecting or overlapping each other
 |>   4) arbitrary planar loop sets in 3D which have no bearing on 2D
 |Certainly #1 should be fine.  I'm not sure about #2, but it obviously
 |be made to work.  #3 - do you mean loops of the same face?  If so,
 |I imagine that it could be made to work.  If not, then it should be OK;
 |handles separate faces independently.  I don't understand the last.

Just think random polygons oriented and positioned randomly in 3-space.
That's all I was trying to say.  I'd gotten the impression from _newtri.c
(around the "topology error" spots) that there might be some loop-to-loop
overlap/containment problems with this scenario, ...but I haven't examined
the module carefully yet.

 |My point is that the FLE type *should* provide the capabilities you want;
 |if it doesn't, then we should fix it rather than start over from scratch.
 |Regarding the env var, sure, that can be done by a field attribute.  It
 |certainly shouldn't be done the way it is; this way the env var is
 |over and over.

Ok.  I'll look into adding this as soon as I put the current project to
bed.  I'll also pull out samples that lock up triangulation and that render

Thanks for the feedback.


Randall Hopper

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