Brad Ackerman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 08:29:41AM -0500, Richard Gillilan wrote:
> > (
> is
> the current version.

Thanks Brad! Good to hear from you again.

I was pretty discouraged looking over recent postings on the
darwin-dev list. (see for example the "Gnome on Darwin" thread).
It seems that many people are unhappy with dyld type of dynamic
loading found in Mach-0 and there were no truely satifactory 
implementations of dlopen() etc. functions... so I don't understand
how dlcompat fits into all this. All I care is that it works.
There is an old message on darwinfo indicating that this functionality
might make it into the official release at some point. I hope so,
but config hasn't picked it up yet. Thanks for the pointer,
I'll give it a try.

Richard Gillilan

> Brad Ackerman     N1MNB               "Sorry -- I forgot what my point was."
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wandering Gweep          -- Prof. Koschmann
> PGP: 0x62D6B223      HIST 298, 27 March 2000

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