Are you using the quart-wm that comes with Apple's X11? If so, when the UI starts up, where does it put the startup picture window (the upper-left hand corner of the ui?) It should be centered over the UI. This is evident through-out the UI. Also, test some of the example programs (go through one by one) and eventually, you'll see odd Window sizes start to creep in. I saw this just with The Image window should have been 640x480 or something similar, but when Apple's X11 popped it up, it was something like 800 x 400 and the Image was all stretched out funny.


On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 11:25  AM, David Thompson wrote:

Richard and others,

Just to let you know, Apple's X11 is beta and there are problems with it and X apps. For one thing the window manager does not honor any window placement and window size requests. This can really make apps like DX unusable.

That's odd. I just built a simple DX app and it seemed to work fine, except for hardware rendering of course. What part of DX is affected
by window size and placement requests?

t also is missing some of the hardware rendering implementation XGL and thus DX's hardware rendering will not work. The developers are aware of the problems and will hopefully be addressing these before the final release is finished.


BTW, I see there is a new release of the developer tools for 10.2.x. Maybe that will solve my autoconf problem.


David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)257-8530

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