Martin S. Tignor wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 22:24, Rob Lahaye wrote:
>>The following VPE tools are badly and/or strangely documented in
>>their descriptions:
>>Classify: No module description ("new macro" doesn't explain much!).
>>           The output field is called "output_1" (why the "_1" ?).
>>Matte: Everything is missing: the Module description, as well as
>>        the descriptions for each input.
>>logn: output name is "output_1" (why "_1"?).
>>victorHiway: No descriptions at all and all inputs/outputs have dumb names.
>>              What is this Tool?
> For now, put something like this in your .cshrc or whatever you use:
> setenv DXROOT /usr/local/dx
> setenv JXMACROS $DXROOT/java/server/dxmacros
> setenv JXUSERMACXROS $DXROOT/java/server/usermacxros
> Then the problem will go away.

No it doesn't. But please note: I'm not really having a problem.
I only was drawing attention to some incomplete/under-construction
tools, that are not or wrongly documented, when you double click
the tool on the canvas and select the "description"-button in the
tool's window. That's all.

I don't see how the suggested environment settings modify these
observations :).


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