Firstly I'm new to OpenDX but have spent quite a bit of time reading and googling to see if there is an answer out there so please excuse me if I'm asking an already answered question.

The data sets I'm working with are bathymetry sets which have been exported from seismic processing systems. The data are ordered as (E = easting, N = Northing):

E1   N1   depth (actually two way travel time)
E1   N2   depth
E1   N3   depth
E1   Nn   depth
E2   N(1+ a)   depth
E2 N(2 + a) depth E2 N(3 + a) depth
E2   Nb   depth

etc. i.e the data is "gridded" but the bounding box is not a rectangle. In the above a and b are integers indicating the offsets between adjacent lines which result in a different number of samples for each line. As the shape of the bounding box varies so these integers will vary.

Now to expose my ignorance ....

Using the general array importer I can successfully import these data as "scattered". By using the connect module the software will determine the connections and all is well, the data can be exported as a native dx file and performance is great. The problem is the amount of time connect uses. Running some timing tests it appears that he amount of time used grows approximately as the square of the number of points. What this means is that up to 500 000 points or so it is feasible to run connect, after that the amount of cpu time becomes unacceptable. Given that the data sets have 3 million plus points it would appear that I have two options:

1) reduce the size of the data set - using the spreadsheet import this seems easy enough during import but not so obvious using the General Array Importer.

2) find a better way of describing the data. This type of data cannot be unusual, is there a way of describing it in the General Array Importer?

If I defined a regular grid that uses exactly the same co-ordinates as the data set, as a rectangle that covers the area, can the data points be "mapped" onto the regular grid? Here I am assuming that by generating a regular grid the connections would be created at the same time - is this correct?

many thanks in advance for any help

Ted Bartlett
Terra Energy Services

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