Hi Stefan,
Are you aware of the NEHTA Pathology DCMs done in Australia. These should
be close to going into CKM if not already, otherwise you may find in the
On 23/08/2012 12:26 AM, "Stefan Sauermann" <sauermann at technikum-wien.at>

>  Agree.
> My preception is that the people in this community share a common vision
> of doing this on the openEHR platform, within CKM. That is fine and there
> is hope.
> I have the feeling, that the people in this community think in many
> different usecases. We seem to be talking about different flavours of
> similar things without explicitly stating which flavour is actually meant.
> This makes harmonisation very hard.
> Would it be reasonable to establish usecases in order to promote more
> focussed sub-discussions?
> I am happy to engage in a "pathology report content" use case effort,
> should anybody wish to join.
> On behalf of the national EHR effort we are running a group of users and
> vendors, so we get heavy, national scale engagement from very high ranking
> experts. I also have a contracted team here, supporting and documenting the
> discussion into a guideline document. I would have to check with the
> bosses, but I guess they might be nudged to agree that we could also
> capture the results of our discussion into the tools you suggest (if the
> effort is manageable). Austria is using CDA as transport format but that is
> another issue.  It does not keep us from a useful technology-independent
> content discussion in this community.
> Of course we would need help from others who are more experienced in the
> tools and philosophy of archetypes.
> This may also generate some input into the 13606 revision that is on the
> move.
> So: Volunteers, lets hear from you!
> Greetings from Vienna, looking forward,
> Stefan
> Stefan Sauermann
> Program Director
> Biomedical Engineering Sciences (Master)
> University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
> Hoechstaedtplatz 5, 1200 Vienna, Austria
> P: +43 1 333 40 77 - 988
> M: +43 664 6192555
> E: stefan.sauermann at technikum-wien.at
> I: www.technikum-wien.at/mbe
> I: www.technikum-wien.at/ibmt
> I: www.healthy-interoperability.at
> Am 22.08.2012 15:39, schrieb Thomas Beale:
> It takes this community to do that - and people in it to make it grow, and
> change it as is needed. If we see the situation like software tools, its
> like putting out a new tool that initially only a small community uses
> (think GIT in the early days). You have to get it going and show its value,
> and then more people will come. And then the next increment will be based
> on the thoughts of more users. And so on.
> - thomas
> On 22/08/2012 02:11, Stefan Sauermann wrote:
> Dear Sam, all,
> I am fully aware of the openEHR efforts, CKM etc. I agree that these are
> platforms are required !!! to get the work done.
> My point is that interoperability will only work for users / systems who
> are represented in the discussions. Those  who engage and agree on
> harmonised solutions will have interoperability. "The rest of the world"
> are not represented, they do not discuss. We cannot solve their problems
> for them. The "rest of the world" will therefore not have interoperability
> (with us) without further work.
> Limiting the scope to a certain user group and a use case will make
> harmonisation crisp and easier.  We can focus on solutions for those who
> are represented in the discussions and get those going. We can then prove
> and disseminate to "the rest of the world" that this works elegantly with
> little effort for a certain purpose in a certain community. Our experience
> in Austria is that "the rest of the world" will notice and jump on the
> train. The train needs to be there before anybody will jump on.
> (I do admit that we do not see the complete "rest of the world" on our
> Austrian trains. But there is an audience and there is international
> cooperation with relevant groups elsewhere.)
> (Online tools are fine. In my experience however harmonisation work is
> successful if you have at least a few face to face meetings at the start,
> but that is another story, does not belong here.)
> *
> *
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