Hi all, does my previous message make sense?

Sent from my LG Mobile

pablo pazos <pazospablo at hotmail.com> wrote:

>Hi, if I want to establish a goal for body weight, I think there's a need of 
>linking the goal concept with the body weight concept, but the body weight 
>archetype is for measuring the weight not to specify a goal for it.
>I understand the difference between a goal (what you want to achieve, fixed 
>value) and the measures (to control your progress and compare with the goal, 
>variable value through time).
>Also, I think the target measurement from the goal archetype will depend on 
>the specific concept I'm creating a goal for (body weight), I mean the 
>magnitude and units constraints should be inherited someway from the concept 
>I'm measuring (body weight) into the goal archetype.
>Does anyone has an idea of how will be a good way of modeling a goal related 
>to another concept like weight or BP?
>Kind regards,
>Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
>openEHR-clinical mailing list
>openEHR-clinical at lists.openehr.org

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