From: Heather Leslie
Sent: Sunday, 28 June 2015 7:03 PM
To: openEHR clinical discussions (;
Subject: Archetype Industry Sprint update

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know the wiki pages for the archetype sprint 
have been updated today.

We are very privileged to have an extraordinary team of volunteer reviewers who 
have participated to date.

As a result of their collective efforts, 5 archetypes have been published in 
just the past week - the culmination of months of effort and collaboration 
across 3 CKMs (in a number of cases) and an extraordinary effort from each one 
of our dedicated reviewers. Take a look at the latest, shiny published 
archetypes for:

*        Procedure<>

*        Problem/Diagnosis<>

*        Goal<>

*        Recommendation<>

*        Report<>
Plus Problem List<> & 
Story/History<> published 
since mid May

The FHIR Adverse Reaction archetype proceeds, despite at a slower pace than 
we'd prefer, but it is on the move again and the current review round is due 
for completion on July 3.

The summary of the sprint can be viewed here:

The details are here:

Thanks to everyone involved



Dr Heather Leslie
Consulting  Lead, Ocean Informatics<>
Clinical Programme Lead, openEHR Foundation<>
Phone -  +61 418 966 670
Skype - heatherleslie
Twitter - @omowizard

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