2015-10-08 1:23 GMT+02:00 Heather Leslie <

> It was Sebastian’s suggestion about governing at an intra-archetype level
> that has caught my attention - marking an existing data element as
> outdated, and adding a new one as a revision solves the issue of having
> correct vs incorrect units and avoids the necessity of a new version
> immediately. I suggest we make this modification to the existing v1 and
> republish as stable (and technically correct).

But that will not be v1 anymore...

At this point, anyone who has worked for a time with the archetypes of CKM
knows that the readable archetype ID, including the version number, it is
not a reliable reference to identify the archetypes (this is said somewhere
in the specifications, but should be more clearly stated for newcomers).
The only reliable identifier from a technical point of view is the MD5 hash
of the definition part of the archetype. Any change to the structure will
create a different MD5. Any (correctly implemented) system that uses it
will find that it is a new archetype, call it v1, v1+internal revision, v2
or whatever.

As Diego said, the less complicated solution is to just follow the
versioning rules that already exist.


David Moner Cano
Grupo de Informática Biomédica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3ª planta
Valencia – 46022 (España)
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