Hi everyone,

Based on requirements from the Norwegian National Summary Care Record 
(Norwegian: "Kjernejournal"), and Heather's email about therapeutic precautions 
 we've made an archetype to represent the concept "Therapeutic precaution" in 
the EHR.

At the moment the archetype is sitting as a proposal in the international CKM, 
with a few comments by Ian, Heather and myself. Heather and I agree this 
concept could benefit greatly from a wider discussion, so we'd like to invite 
you all to have a look at it and make comments. Since the details of proposed 
archetypes are for now only visible to CKM editors, I'm attaching the ADL file 
here. I'm also including the previous comments here:


Agree this is a good candidate but there is some cross-over with 
Contraindication. Perhaps this should replace or be folded in to 
Contra-indication, and Contra-indication renamed?
ian.mcnicoll (04-Mar-2016 08:22)


The main difference between a therapeutic precaution and a contraindication is 
that a contraindication is a specific procedure, etc, while a therapeutic 
precaution is a condition or state. Contraindication is therefore more useful 
for decision support, while precautions should be shown to clinicians.
silje.bakke (04-Mar-2016 09:00)


Hi all, this is reflecting the notion of therapeutic precautions from my blog 
post, I think.

I like the idea of this approach, especially avoiding 'warning', 'alert' etc 
which means different things to every clinician, vendor etc.

But it is not mainstream.

To me it is a little like the Exclusion family of archetypes - we may need to 
socialise it a little. And of course, use 'Alert', 'Warning' appropriately in 
the keywords.

We may need to add date/times for periods of validity, status etc as per the 
current Alert archetype. But what we have gained is a very precise definition 
and intent for use (if we get this right).


heather.leslie (08-Mar-2016 05:45)
Last modified by heather.leslie (08-Mar-2016 05:48).

So please, have a look, and tell us what you think, good or bad. But bear in 
mind, the archetype is not at all intended to be anywhere near finished, and is 
still very rough.

Kind regards,
Silje Ljosland Bakke

Information Architect, RN
Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes
National ICT Norway
Tel. +47 40203298
Web: http://arketyper.no<http://arketyper.no/> / Twitter: 

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Description: openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.precaution.v0.adl

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