Let us stick to one subject of a time, else the discussion will become confusing.

What is your *good* definition of Observation and Evaluation, on which base you disagree with what others write about it?

On 11-04-17 11:17, GF wrote:
I read NO definition of Observation.
I see NO definition section.

A good definition is a text that precisely denotes a concept and is written such that the defined term can be substituted by that text without any changes.
A good definition is not using the concept name in its definition.

Gerard   Freriks
+31 620347088
gf...@luna.nl <mailto:gf...@luna.nl>

Kattensingel  20
2801 CA Gouda
the Netherlands

On 11 Apr 2017, at 10:36, Bert Verhees <bert.verh...@rosa.nl <mailto:bert.verh...@rosa.nl>> wrote:

Read for yourself Gerard:


On 11-04-17 10:23, GF wrote:
What are the definitions?

Gerard   Freriks
+31 620347088
gf...@luna.nl <mailto:gf...@luna.nl>

Kattensingel  20
2801 CA Gouda
the Netherlands

On 11 Apr 2017, at 09:54, Bert Verhees <bert.verh...@rosa.nl <mailto:bert.verh...@rosa.nl>> wrote:

It is clear to me.

Not only our senses observe, mostly we use devices to observe. Sometimes very complex devices, like MRI, their are a lot of calculations in those devices, billions of calculations.

BMI is something that often takes two devices to measure, but it could be possible to create a single device which does this. So in that case it would be an Observation? Than it will also be if not a computer does the math, but a human being.

To judge however if a BMI is a sign of obesity, that is subjective. For a normal person, a BMI of 28 could be obese, but for a weightlifter, because of all those heavy muscles, a BMI of 30 still is not obese. So that would be evaluations.


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