Congratulations Tony!
Impressive work, we'll have to test this. Videos look great!

2017-07-27 18:19 GMT+02:00 Tony Shannon <>:

> Dear openEHR Colleagues,
> At long last I'm pleased to announce some news to the openEHR community,
> which I hope you will find of interest/value to you.
> Those of you who know me, know I have been championing openEHR for quite
> some time, I believe it is key to the future of healthcare.
> You may also know that I have been an advocate for an open source
> implementation of openEHR in action for quite some time too.
> In my opinion if we want openEHR to truly transform the world of healthIT
> and healthcare, we need to make the related tools very easily available
> around the world.
> So, building on some great work began years ago with Seref Arikan
> (Opereffa) and aligned to the leading edge open source work of Pablo Pazos
> with Cabolabs EHRServer.....
> I'm very pleased to announce the public release of EtherCIS, as an
> internationally leading open source example of the openEHR standard in
> action, including support for AQL.
> ethercis-world-healthcare/
> Over the last 2 years, the work to get EtherCIS to this point has been
> done within the context of a broad open platform push (begun out of Leeds
> in England).
> Initially known as the Ripple Open Source Initiative, the effort has since
> evolved to become the work of the non profit Ripple Foundation which I
> lead.
> We have supported the development of EtherCIS in the context of developing
> and testing of a highly usable/open source "showcase stack", which we will
> share more details on later.
> For now I wanted to thank a few folk who have made this development
> possible,
> Of course the many many folk who have brought openEHR to the point that is
> already at... you know who you are , I know many of you as friends and
> again a word of thanks today.
> Dr Ian McNicoll who has helped with his usual good humoured leadership of
> the openEHR mission and supporting/overseeing the openEHR aspects to our
> work,
> Marand for their ongoing help with their openEHR EHRscape service which is
> a key part of our Ripple showcase.
> and last by by no means least..
> Christian Chevalley without whom , this world leading open source example
> of the openEHR standard in action would not have been possible.
> Christian may wish to say a few words about his work here shortly, but
> suffice to say Christian has put his heart and soul into this very valuable
> work and working with us to open source this work, has gifted something
> very useful to the world.
> I appreciate all he has done to make this public release of EtherCIS
> possible, which I believe to now be the leading open source example of
> openEHR in action.
> We believe that openEHR has been designed to support the needs of 21st
> Century Healthcare.
> We know openEHR is in action around the world and the change that is
> needed has begun.
> You may have seen some of our recent/related openEHR videos which we hope
> you like and hope you share.
> We believe the time has come for an open source implementation of openEHR
> in action to take openEHR to the next level, around the world.
> We wanted to share this news with the openEHR community to encourage you
> and your colleagues to review all of our work and EtherCIS in particular.
> We now invite you to review it, critique it, spread the word about it and
> help us improve it.
> We hope this news is of interest and value to your own work.
> EtherCIS has arrived..
> The time for openEHR is now...
> Kind Regards
> Tony
> Dr. Tony Shannon
> Director, Ripple Foundation
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