Hi everybody,

In the beginning of the year we had the idea of having an announce list for implementers, hosted by the OpenEhr foundation.

The discussion starts here:


The occasion was that Pablo announced a new version of his Cloud EHRServer to this list. It was on Christmas day 2016.

That discussion starts here


Isn't that a nice date to do something good?

A few days later, Thomas came with the idea of having a community based announce-list.

Then Ian came with the idea of becoming a member of the Industry partner group and in this way have more visibility for projects

I see that there is an Individual Membership for only 15 Euro per year, which is a nice price for individuals. But I don't see any way these Individual Membership can have some announcement visibility.

Maybe it is hidden somewhere per accident, or isn't it yet arranged?

Because it is one year ago, now, and it is almost Christmas again, wouldn't it be a nice occasion to arrange an announcement-list read/write accessable for some group of individuals for low cost, or even better, for free?

Thanks very much


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