Today I looked at the OpenEhr API:

I live sometime in the OpenEhr world, so I am not surprised that it is a
rather low level API. In fact it is a bit hard to recognize quick what it
is about. And it fits perfectly to the philosophy of OpenEhr. The API is
not semantically rich. It are the archetypes which are semantically rich,
the API IS GENERIC. So it is fine. I am not criticizing.

I found another API on the Internet, in fact, I found many. They are all
semantically rich. They all have functions like "Which medication does the
patient take".

In OpenEhr there is only a function to execute a query to find semantically
meaningful data. The API itself offers no further clues.

Again, this is not criticizing,  it fits in the philosophy of OpenEhr. It
is impossible to write queries for the customers, because we do not know
the archetypes they use. The customer is helpless without the expertise of
OpenEhr specialists, of which are not many people on the world. I think,
from marketing point of view this is hard to sell, because other vendors
offer semantically rich API's out of the box. Only a web developer, without
special education is then needed to write a GUI.

I think it is not necessary that it is that way. The premise that we don't
know which archetypes customers use is not always true. In fact, from many
customers it is known that they use archetypes from CKM. So, my point:

How nice would it be when CKM would publicly be extended with queries which
fit on the archetypes, which can be used to create a semantically rich API.

This would have to advantages.
1) It would be a strong marketing point. An OpenEhr customer would not
anymore need expensive expertise to do simple things like querying which
medication a patient uses.
2) It would motivate customers to use CKM archetypes (Which maybe do not
use them now, or edit them without telling anyone, and maybe even without
changing the identifier) because this would then have an extra advantage to
stay closely connected to CKM.

Someone having any thoughts about this?

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