Hi Mike,

Mike Mair wrote:

>Dear Gerard, David
>One definition of the GEHR 'kernel' is that of 'record engine'. I wondered
>what your view of the CDA was now in this role, after the Berlin CDA
>conference? The succession of CDAs can be turned out by any suitably
>equipped record system, and the CDAs used as a common currency for them.
>Sometimes these CDAs might not actually exist unless created for their
>communicative role between systems, in which case they are virtual CDAs, and
>the record engine entirely 'virtual'. This substitutes a 'virtual kernel'
>for the GEHR product, and does the same job of providing a communality of
>process between participant record systems without the specifics of the GEHR
>kernel, but it still would permit use of GEHR type components such as
This scenario is possible. The difference with teh GEHR kernel is that 
it is not creating and validating user input, just doing conversion from 
feeder systems. If it is doing this using archetypes, it will need to 
work like the GEHR kernel (which is simply a knowledge/information 
mediator component - mediating between archetypes and data created); if 
not, then it can be simpler.

- thomas

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