Dear Chris,

CEN/TC251 is co-operating with OPENEHR.

We are in the process to define a next version of our EHR standard.
It is basicly a standard that defines a Document and facilities for handling
it properly. Plus it will enable to locate doucment items in space and time.
On top of this the standard (EN136060) will include Archetypes.
With these archetypes all kinds of clinical concept models can de defined by
national, loca', regional organisations.

Where appropiate the Archetypes will be able to use items like SNOMED-CT.
And record coded information. The Archetype (=clinical concept model)
The Archetypes need a stable set of archetype-fragments that define for
instance the demographics of persons and organisations, but also the generic
structure of a referral letter,the generic investogation, etc.

We at CEN think it is a tractable problem.
And the people from OPENEHR have demontrated that it is in several beta

I can refer you to the OPENEHR website and the CEN one (
for kore information.


On 2003-08-04 16:51, "Christopher Feahr" <chris at> wrote:

> In my view, the EHR effort... partly by virtue of the inclusion of the
> "record" concept... is starting at too complex a level... at a point
> where we are almost designing a particular business management system in
> the standard.  A rule-free standard model for the INFORMATION should
> exist first.  From what I understand, SNOMED CT is a very good start on
> that.  Also as a standard, we should make an effort within each care
> domain to model the actors, places, and things in healthcare, the
> relationships between them that are always true, and the relationships
> among the information elements that are always true.  This can serve as
> a useful framework or high-level model for the much more granular and
> often unique process and information models of each local
> user-enterprise.

Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

Zernikedreef 9
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
+31 654 792800

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