
>The clincial analysis process is pretty much standard all over and this will
>find acceptability (hopefull). The data so captured can be used for a
>descision support system.
>This is  an add on to your thaughts and maybe you can now look at your
>suggested solution in the light of what would find acceptance with a

I must agree, since it was our starting point several years ago. That's the 
reason why we created an ontology.

But we discovered it was useless trying to work on a decision support 
system if we only had the local datas (since you can far more easyly help a 
doctor by analysing what others produced... he usually can work well on 
what he recorded himself).

So we worked on concepts in the continuity of care domain. But we 
discovered that the success key for continuity of care is the patient 
acceptance, but we had to present him with an "acceptable" system.

So we worked on the Patient Health Project, an health management concept.

Now we are quite happy with that, and we have nearly adapted a Blackboard 
(an Artificial Intelligence component) to our system.

10 lines to tell a 10 years story ;o)


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