William E Hammond wrote:

>However, I do think it is important to make sure that SNOMED is the answer
>and will be acceptable before we move aggressively.
Ed - how will this happen - what process can be followed to do this? Do 
you mean "clincally" acceptable, or acceptable in terms of licencing, $ 

I personally have great doubts that any one refernce terminology can be 
the "one answer" to everything. All the work going on with archetypes, 
RMIMs etc at the moment shows quite clearly that the meaning of any term 
in a specfic context is often (usually) not the meaning of the same work 
in a reference terminiology (which by definition almost, must have a 
kind of compromise definition of its meaning). So even if all the 
licencing and access issues are sorted out to everyone's satisfaction, I 
don't believe that the final solution has been reached. This comment is 
not specific to Smomed of course - it is a general principle.

- thomas beale

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