
One thing I know that in this time frame CEN/TC251, HL7 and ISO/TC215 
co-operate harmonized standards are/will be produced.

It is without any doubt that nothing is forever.
We expect that our co-operation will produce a series of standards in 
Medical Informatics that will last longer than ever and will be able to 
evolve and improve.

How many alternate and competing HTML (or XTML) or TCP/IP standards do 
you want?

Gerard Freriks

Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

Zernikedreef 9
2333CK Leiden
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
+31 654 792800
On 01 Dec 2004, at 20:41, lakewood at copper.net wrote:

> Hi All,
> Change is an ever-present factor, requirement and necessity. This is 
> true in Healthcare as it
> is in many other human endeavors. Standards that prohibit or avoid 
> change at some point become
> obsolete.
> Regards!
> -Thomas Clark
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