David (Forslund) et Al :

FYI - We informally discussed your comments at the BCM TC meeting today.
There was  general agreement that it would be good if we could work
towards a cooperation that would result in a common definition of how
Templates & Archetypes support e-Health and other e-business services.

Q :
>>Do you have any preliminary examples of Archetypes/Templates that would
>> be applicable to OpenEHR?

A :
Both BCM and CAM promote the use of Templates , will provide references to
examples, but do not own (IPR) any particular set of templates.
However, we are working with members of the XML.gov COI to promote the use
an eGOV Template that is derived from an XSD for Strategic Plans.

A possible outcome of BCM & OpenEHR cooperation could be the BCM promoting
a Template that is derived from an OpenEHR Model / Schema.

To help further BCM discussion the eprforum (working with BCM
SubCommittee) slides outline how a  "digitalbag" (such as an open EHR)
might interact with other e-Business capabilities.

For further CAM discussion please see David Webber's info link and 
suggestions below .


<quote who="David Webber \(XML\)">
> Carl,
> On the CAM front I can pro-offer the executive overview of CAM
> and its capabilities.
> I do see that CAM could augment OpenEHR by providing
> implementation layer scripting.
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/5930/CAM%20Executive%20Overview%20brochure%2003Mar04.pdf
> Perhaps the OpenEHR team can provide some feedback
> on their requirements / use case brainstorming so far?
> Thanks, DW
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Carl Mattocks" <carlmattocks at checkmi.com>
> To: <bcm at lists.oasis-open.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 12:43 PM
> Subject: [bcm] Todays meeting Agenda Item [Fwd: Re: OASIS CAM / BCM]
>> An agenda item for Todays meeting

>> Subject: Re: OASIS CAM / BCM
>> From:    "David Forslund" <dwf at lanl.gov>
>> Do you have any preliminary examples of Archetypes/Templates that would
>> be applicable to OpenEHR?

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