On Sun, Jan 30, 2005 at 04:32:07PM +0000, Thomas Beale wrote:

Thomas, just  noted that this nice  suggestion of your  has not
evoked a response so far ... opening the batting here ;-)

> What  it comes  down to  is this.  Interesting, sometimes  long
> discussions  occur about  topics  like  "what is  an  episode",
> "age", "confidentiality" and so on.  Many good points are made,
> and  there may  even be  a consensus  view reached  due to  the
> discussion. Then a new discussion occurs.  What is lacking is a
> summary/pr?cis of  the material  - a synthesis  if you  like. I
> suspect that most discussions which  generate 50 pages of email
> could be summarised in about 2 A4 pages. Now, there are various
> technological attempts to help with  this sort of process, such
> as  Wiki  and  other   online  document  modification  systems.
> However, I  have never been convinced  that the best  way still
> isn't  to get  a good  human brain  on  the job,  to produce  a
> summary the  old-fashioned way -  by reading and  thinking! The
> kind of document  we are looking for is  something ranging from
> an FAQ entry, to up to say  5 pages of detailed description; it
> would  then be  added  to the  online  knowledge  pages of  the
> community.
[rest snipped]

o The proposal of summarising important  discussions  is nice. It
  is also quite unique.

o Implementation would be a hurdle, because of the following :-

  a) You need the co-ordinating agency first, and  then  the core
     group needs to set the ball rolling ...

  b) Voluntary effort always works for  intellctually stimulating
     things. IOW, the satisfaction to effort ratio would  have to
     be high. In this type of thing, with smaller expected ratios
     voluntary jobs would have to be done  military  style:  "One
     must be detailed to volunteer" ;-)

  c) Need a proper flow chart/ UML of the action plan ;-)

o I can help in the Medical portions. I am a medical graduate of
  1976 vintage, with a Diploma in Aerospace Medicine and MD.I am 
  also an unqualified programmer/ IT man  of sorts, with initial 
  forays into  programming  since  CP/M days,  more or less self
  taught, having learnt tits and bits from works of 'gurus' like 
  Knuth and Wirth. OOP is a oops situation for me but I am quite
  okay at scripting (shell, perl, php) and K&R C  (programmed in
  pascal style) ! I am totally ANTI-M$, and on Linux/ *BSD since

o If above  QRs fit your bill, count me as  an extra hand in for 
  medical portions only ...


Dr USM Bish
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