--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

+31 252 544896
+31 654 792800
On 11 Mar 2005, at 01:26, Thomas Beale wrote:

> You will be unsurprised to learn that we agree with USM Bish, and that  
> names and other demographic entities should be archetyped. We don't  
> seem to have a person name archetype yet, but you will get the idea  
> from the location address one at  
> http://www.openehr.org/repositories/archetype-dev/latest/adl/ 
> archetypes/openehr/demographic/openehr-demographic- 
> address.location_address.draft.html.
> I believe the approach of trying to have these as types in a RIM is  
> problematic, for exactly the reasons Bert mentions.
> - thomas beale
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