On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 06:45:21PM +0000, Thomas Beale wrote:
> you can  normally login and  unsubscribe. However,  I recognise
> that there are those in the position described in this email. I
> have recommended to the webmaster & sysadmin people to enable a
> no-login email method  of unsubscribing. I have  suggested that
> sending an unsubscribe message to the list-manager address (not
> the  list itself;  I am  amazed  that anyone  thinks that  will
> work!) will  actually get them  unsubscribed and send  an email
> saying  so.  In  the  case of  malicious  abuse  (faked  "from"
> address), this reply email will  alert someone who doesn't want
> to   be  unsubscribed.   Alternatively,  in   response  to   an
> unsubscribe email we could make the  list manager send an email
> asking for  confirmation (like  yahoogroups) and  responding to
> that  will get  you  unsubscribed. This  way  is slightly  more
> annoying but  less open to  malicious abuse. What  would people
> prefer? What is  regarded as reasonable configuration  on other
> lists?

Yes, Thomas, the 'unsubscribe' email method with reconfirmation
is acceptable.

My suggestion  would be to  retain existing 'Login'  method and
the email  method as  an alternate.  A possible  implementation
would be:

o Blank mail to: openehr-unsubscribe at openehr.org
o Check the header for the "From: " ($from) field
o If '$from' exists, send automated re-confirmatory mail with
  link to existing http://openehr.org/cgi-bin/whatever.cgi
  (with username varified from $from).
o From there onwards the processes would be common (viz.  the
  actual process still done by the web mechanism).


If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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