For the non Swedish speakers .. here's a rough translation (not exact but to
give the general gist!)...

"The patient or any other person that is mentioned in the patients file, can
apply or can ask to have the file, or parts of the files destroyed. [the
government office] will decide if the file or part of file will be
destroyed. For this to happen there has to be good acceptable reasons.
The reasons would be that the file or the part of the file that are asked to
be destroyed are not obviously needed for the patient care, or from a
general point of view there is no obvious reasons to keep it. Before the
application to have the [file / part of] destroyed, the person who is
responsible for the file has the chance to make comment. If [the government
office] has dismissed a request to destroy the patients file, the decision
can be appealed in a general court of law. If [the government office]
consents with the request (to destroy the file or part of the file), the
decision can not be appealed. (then something about you can appeal to
another court but you must have a permit)."



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