Williamtfgoossen at cs.com wrote:
> In een bericht met de datum 18-12-2006 18:00:54 West-Europa (standaardtijd), 
> schrijft mattias.forss at gmail.com:
>> Maybe you're right, the definitions could be added as comments, but for 
>> proprietary terminology like SNOMED CT this will mean that these kind of 
>> archetypes can only be distributed to people that have paid the license. 
> Sorry, but Snomed CT cannot be considered a proprietary terminology given the 
> formal international SDO status from January onward. 
> Further, most English speaking countries (Cnd, UK, US, Aus, Nw Zealand) 
> already have a national licence allowing everyone to use it for health 
> purposes.
But it is not an *open* system - and this is OpenEHR...
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